Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Just a bad dream

Someone else told me of their wave dream yesterday and a friend encouraged me to heed the warnings, so this dream didnt surprise me. I really think this dream is just representative and not prophetic. I cant recall the minute details. In the dream, I knew the threat was coming, and I was in one state trying to get to another. I realized that it was going to happen in both places. I was pinned in a crowd of people and being pushed together by a force that was hard to fight. We were toppling over one another and we (as a group body) were shaped like a triangle or pyramid. I was struggling to get to the outside of the pile of humanity. I succeeded and once free started running to get to the next place that I was suppose to be. I woke up and felt exausted from the mental and physical struggle of it all.

Before going to bed last night though, I did have a brief vision. I saw someone step out of a window...jumping..suicide. But I think it was to escape the fire.. I couldnt see the fire...I felt they were trying to escape the horror of what was happening.

Not a pleasant evening for me all in all.