On the evening of March 2 I had an out of body experience. I got up out of bed and looked at the window, there was a german shepherd on my balcony.. he (or she) seemed happy to see me and I remember recognizing the dog and asking how it found me AND how in hell did it get on the balcony up three stories high. I went to let it in the house but when I left the bedroom it must've let itself in or walked through walls because it came to me around the corner just as I was walking into the living room. It went in and jumped on my bed next to my sweetie who was sleeping there. I went back to bed and fell asleep. Thank you Kelsey for giving me a chance to accept it was you standing there, and I'm glad you had a full life, you looked so happy and vibrant where you are now, we love and miss you but know you'll be with us always.
I called my girlfriend to find out if her dog died, because she came to me in spirit. That's hard to ask so I just called to ask how Kelsey is doing. She called me back today to let me know Kelsey died on March 1. I have pasted her memorial in the comments section of this posting.
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