Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Plate Tectonics?

This just started in the last two days. I suppose I need to write it down. It's not a dream.. its not even a vision, or maybe it is... it keeps playing over in my head. Picture a blanket as someone lifts it and shakes it out to roll across the bed. A roll or wave flows through it before it rests, the highest energy is at the end of the blanket as it snaps. Now picture it being the land under the water just off the west coast. It starts there and rolls to the mountains in a wave just like that blanket. I see again the mountains on the eastern side rip open. It plays at the speed of light through my mind and always ends with a statement. "A new plate is formed"

Two nights ago before all this started I was chatting with a friend. During our conversation I saw two events, one was obviously Rita, hitting Galveston but the other was different. It was all quiet, not a jet or car or engine. Just ash floating down covering everything in a quiet blanket. She told me she's planning on being in Seattle at Christmas. It was the next day I started seeing the above vision.
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