Sunday, March 12, 2006

Six years left of Seven

The mudslide will be coming within 6 weeks
The earthquakes will be stymieing

The control isn’t within the population but within the consciousness what comes around goes around.. it is not God’s fury but the reaction of earth and her abilitiy to accept what is committed against her
Mudslide, earthquake (sacramento... Parson? no idea what that means)
The stigmata will announce the beginning
Not for the grace of God.. it is God’s beings that feel the pain that is coming. It is not God’s wrath but earth’s

We are in the 2nd year of 7 years of trauma. At the end, a cleansing will have been finished. This is not caused by God or divine.. it is a result of humanity and their inability to accept the laws of nature

Heaven and nature will be at one when it is done.

And I will begin again. The end, is the beginning