Monday, May 23, 2005

Out of Body Experience

Out of body experience?

Last night I had very vivid dreams, or were they? Before I went to bed my Ya-Ya group online had an event with a little girl. She came to me at one point and I felt her fear. The chills ran up my spine and goose-pimples made my scalp crawl, there was a tightness in my chest, my heart started racing and I felt a cold wetness on my feet, like drops of liquid on my feet and floor.

I tried to do some reiki on the ‘ickie’ that was surrounding this little girl. She’s stuck in a place that is neither good nor bad, but it leaves her vulnerable to misguided forces. She’s very attached to someone on the physical plane and this is one thing that keeps her from moving toward the light. I hadn’t intended on her coming to me, but she did. I left the conference and went to bed. I thought she returned, but now I don’t believe she did.

I dreamed of her last night. I saw her next to my bed. Then when I got up to go to her, I looked back at my bed and saw another woman who was laying in my bed. Her hair was thick, short and gray and curled in tight fat curls and she was wearing a white dress, and a strange grin. I was stunned that I could see them, because I sort of knew they were there, but now I could see them. I believe I was having an out of body experience.

The little girl still had an unseen force terrorizing her. Although I couldn't see it, I knew it was there and I began to battle it with my mind. I became paralyzed of speech and movement. I fought with my mind to recite the Lord’s prayer and still couldn’t. Finally I grabbed my mother’s crucifix off the Virgin Mary statue and wore it around my neck, and started all over again. The heaviness lifted, and I looked around but I couldn’t find the little girl.

Then I saw my Grammy J, and I tried to hug her hello but she was disoriented, (just as she was before she died). I came across many other spirits who walked through my apartment during this whole episode, some I’ve forgotten but perhaps it’ll come back to me. At one point everything shifted and I went into a dream state. But the out of body experience felt so completely real.

One thing's for sure, whoeverI did battle with last night only retreated. When I came home for lunch today, I walked in the door to the apartment and felt a presence. Someone is still here. I'm not sure who.