Saturday, March 12, 2005

That's all the news that is the news

Well, Tuesday I had an event. I was standing at my desk when I felt the ground tremble below my feet. I put my hands on my desk to hold on because it felt the like ground dropped ten feet. Quite embarassing when, no one else felt a thing but me. I decided since my sister set her "earthquake party" for Sun 3/13, and I just got this ping..hmmm.. I think I'm gonna have mine tonight. So Tuesday I had bloody Mary's with my girlfriend. While I was at her house I felt another minor one.

The next morning I went to work I pm'd my sister and my sweetie that two events were coming. One by noon and one by 6pm. Meanwhile I discovered one already happened. Mt. St. Helen's had coughed up the night before. Sure enough by noon she coughed again. Nothing came by 6pm (whew).

And as for my sister being in FL and her dream about a quake/wave hitting Florida. She got home without incident Thursday night. Friday Florida had an earthquake. They still can't tell exactly what it was, mostly it just shook houses and such but over quite a large area. The Airforce is blaming two fighter jets. I have my doubts. You can read some dialogue about it here

Enjoy your party tomorrow sis! We ducked another. But it looks like you get the 'earthquake' pings and I get the 'volcano' pings. After Tuesday nights event. I remembered something really important. I had the same feeling back in Septemeber. The last time Mt. St. Helen's burped. That one gave me a few hours notice. This one gave me 12 hours notice on the first event, and 12 hours notice for the second event. Bon Voyage