Sunday, July 23, 2006

Azna Mother Earth

I never heard of Azna until Friday night. I know there is divine feminine, I just never thought much about it before. She came two nights ago to a friend of mine. She said she will be back on Tuesday. I know many things are coming and only hope I can pay attention and do the right thing.

I also came across this recent posting from Deepak Chopra.. I'll share the link because I really enjoyed what he wrote:

--Direct healing is possible, including self-healing, faith healing, and hands-on healing.
--Separate minds can be in communication.
--The living can contact the dead.
--Outer events mirror inner states of mind.
--Everything happens for a reason.
--Destiny is a force in human life.
--Collective consciousness is a web connecting every human being.
--Nature is organized and intelligent.
--Higher states of consciousness are real.
--Prayers are answered.
--Dreams, wishes, and intentions can come true.
--A critical mass of people who want peace can end war and bring about an era of peace.