Saturday, May 24, 2008

Fishing Center Fire

A_New_Light: (i'm having a vision)
A_New_Light: warehouse...water... (river? bay?) fire
A_New_Light: fishing center
A_New_Light: ugh
A_New_Light: animals
A_New_Light: i'm queasy
A_New_Light: the ...heat...they're blocked in
A_New_Light: they cant get out
A_New_Light: fire on 3 sides water on the other
A_New_Light: i cant see where it is
A_New_Light: ash....all gone now
A_New_Light: its gone
A_New_Light: the vision

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Blue Aliens

Ok..y'all are going to call me crazy but I want to record this so I dont forget it. Last night during a conference with several other people three of us began a simultaneous 'vision'. All three of us saw it unfold. We were taken up into space in this vision and shown a nebulae. We surfed and found a picture similar to what it appeared to be (tarrantula nebula) The Tarantula Nebula, in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

As we were in conference and right before I said goodbye..I saw all of my guardians here, my mom my big cat, my guardian Johan and I think someone else was here but I dont know who. After we broke up to go to sleep...a blue alien (its the only word I can choose for what I saw) appeared in my bedroom. I saw him in my higher vision and he glowed neon blue...I wasnt scared but all my energy centers were running on high and I was being suffused with a whole bunch of the same moment the cats went nuts...and started howling as they came in my room. I opened my eyes...and saw a shadow go past me as I got out of bed and got the chills...and I heard a hiss at the same time (the cats were still howling). I grabbed one and threw him out the door and closed the door. I turned to see what the "hiss" was...and I looked outside the was just the sprinklers coming on. I went back to sleep and thats all I remember. The stuff in my head was an image of the earth and it was about the land...aliens mining or taking something from earth and about us being workers for them already without even being aware of it. Something about me being a portal. I dont know.. I cant remember it all. I always doubt this stuff is really happening.