Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Ok, so this is day three from that funky night and the out of body dream. This is the third night in a row I have had a ghost walk through my apartment. Not that I see them..but I feel them and hear them, albeit in my head. Tonight it was Arthur. Arthur is a friendly sort, but smokes.

And as I was typing tonight, I smelled his smoke. I stood up to go outside and when I saw the back door, I froze in my tracks.. I thought maybe the smell was smoke comin in from the back porch from me smoking earlier..but the back door and all windows were closed.

I remembered a part of my dream, while I was walking around my apartment out of body.. I saw a puff of smoke... in the air... behind my chair at my desk...oh dear. I just pm'd a friend.. its his relative.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Out of Body Experience

Out of body experience?

Last night I had very vivid dreams, or were they? Before I went to bed my Ya-Ya group online had an event with a little girl. She came to me at one point and I felt her fear. The chills ran up my spine and goose-pimples made my scalp crawl, there was a tightness in my chest, my heart started racing and I felt a cold wetness on my feet, like drops of liquid on my feet and floor.

I tried to do some reiki on the ‘ickie’ that was surrounding this little girl. She’s stuck in a place that is neither good nor bad, but it leaves her vulnerable to misguided forces. She’s very attached to someone on the physical plane and this is one thing that keeps her from moving toward the light. I hadn’t intended on her coming to me, but she did. I left the conference and went to bed. I thought she returned, but now I don’t believe she did.

I dreamed of her last night. I saw her next to my bed. Then when I got up to go to her, I looked back at my bed and saw another woman who was laying in my bed. Her hair was thick, short and gray and curled in tight fat curls and she was wearing a white dress, and a strange grin. I was stunned that I could see them, because I sort of knew they were there, but now I could see them. I believe I was having an out of body experience.

The little girl still had an unseen force terrorizing her. Although I couldn't see it, I knew it was there and I began to battle it with my mind. I became paralyzed of speech and movement. I fought with my mind to recite the Lord’s prayer and still couldn’t. Finally I grabbed my mother’s crucifix off the Virgin Mary statue and wore it around my neck, and started all over again. The heaviness lifted, and I looked around but I couldn’t find the little girl.

Then I saw my Grammy J, and I tried to hug her hello but she was disoriented, (just as she was before she died). I came across many other spirits who walked through my apartment during this whole episode, some I’ve forgotten but perhaps it’ll come back to me. At one point everything shifted and I went into a dream state. But the out of body experience felt so completely real.

One thing's for sure, whoeverI did battle with last night only retreated. When I came home for lunch today, I walked in the door to the apartment and felt a presence. Someone is still here. I'm not sure who.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Angels from Above

I’ve been denying who I am and what our world truly is about and I’ve finally realized its time that stops. A few days ago a new guide stepped forward, at the time I questioned the validity of this guide, and the messages being brought. Frankly, I told him in no uncertain terms that I wanted validity.

He brought it, and I’m ashamed to say my reaction was anger and tears. We live our lives day by day and try the best (or so it would seem) to accept the standards and guidance that is brought to us on the physical plane. In the pursuit of that we have managed to withdraw from our spiritual plane and follow in church as mindless sheep would their shepherd. We go to church and sit and listen with half an ear, feeling that we have met our society’s expectations.

Last year as I sat in church listening to the canned responses that have become automatic from the crowd I felt as if they were responding as Pavlov’s dog would without mental thought or commitment within their hearts. Admittedly my attitude was cynical because I was heartbroken at the time, and missing someone who I truly loved.

The church is a popular one here, and seating is always a problem. I came too late to be in a pew. I was crowded in the back with the rest of the late comers. As the assembly went through the service, I went down upon my knees on the carpet in the back of the church and prayed and pleaded with God to help me understand why I lost this person who became so dear in my heart. I prayed and cried and asked him to help me understand and recover.

The past year has been an enlightening one. I was held up into the light one night, and I knew God was real. I remember that I wanted to call everyone in the middle of the night to tell them. Then the messages began to come, visions during meditation, dreams. I began at times to question my own sanity. Someone who recently had died, had stepped forward and channeled through a friend of mine. His name was Bob. My mom channeled through as well. And still I wasn’t sure I believed it all. I began to even doubt about the night I was held up into the light.

I’ve logged and kept my dreams and visions in an attempt to understand the changes that are coming and those that have happened. A few nights ago a new guide stepped forward. His name is Jacob, and this time rather than hear his words from another person, I channeled him myself first and told my friend that this was his guide and he would be speaking to him soon. It was to prepare my friend to be alert and listen for him, but I realized later it was as much to help me finally see that there truly are angels and guides who surround us, and help influence us on our path and guide us in our decisions.

I had forgotten that I had demanded validation. I was with my girlfriend having drinks two nights ago. While our night progressed I was flooded with information and a dialogue opened up in my head with my new guide. He told me things I was to tell her, including one particular message about her cat being ill. If you knew my girlfriend and how she feels about her cats, you’ll understand why I found my self arguing in my head with my guide. There was NO WAY I’m going to deliver that message. He assured me that it was meant to be said. And I did. This was one of 7 things that I had written down on a piece of paper when she stepped away from the table.

When she returned, her and I just started chatting, and I was relatively quiet. She steared the conversation. The first item on the list was the topic of our conversation and I was startled. These seven things were so completely wide in subject. As our conversation progressed I would pull the small card out of my pocket and cross off the next item. She was as startled as I was. By the time we got to the bottom of the list her and I both cried.

I have my validation. Yes there are Angels. Yes we do hear messages from the other side, and yes the earth is preparing to go through some dramatic changes. I will write more about that in another entry. In the meantime, Jacob thank you. Thank you in fact to all my guides who have been patient while I have been working though my beliefs. And thank you to God who believed in me even when I doubted in Him.