Saturday, April 30, 2005

Slip Sliding

My dream started and ended abruptly. In my dream I was awoken by what I thought was thunder. I went into my living room and felt the whole building shaking from it. But when I looked out the window what I saw was the woods out back moving to the right. I realized suddenly that it wasn't thunder, but an earthquake. I was standing but holding on to the love seat in front of that window.

The building began to lift up and tilt and I realized it was about to slide down the hill down into the woods. I turned my back away from the window, closed my eyes and began praying. The only thing that came to my mind were the words, "I'm ready God" and then everything went black.

End of dream.

Just a few minutes ago, the thunder started. A bad storm is rolling in.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

The Bell Tolls Update

This is an update to a previous blog entry:

From March 05 The Bell Tolls:: "My Ya Ya friends know that about a week ago I received a message that I would hear the bell toll when it happens. I didn't write it in my blog because the message sounded more spiritual than chronical."

An update I recently found online (This is scary stuff folks if it has any validity to it:
"Dear ones,This past week, many millions of people around the world mourned the passing of a single man, (the Pope) a man who had in some way touched them through his life. The tolling of the bells to mark his passage also marked a stage in the passage of the planet from one frequency band to another. It is about this particular frequency band that we wish to speak today."A_New_Light:

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Finally found the first Kahuna

I just got finished reading a post my sister made on an earthquake prediction board I never heard of this place before so I decided to surf it. It turns out that it is the spitting image of the first volcano dream I ever had, last July. The first event I saw in my dreams was an island volcano but I wasn't on the island.. I was standing away from it as I watched. I was on ground, a beach area and seeing this island off across the water. It erupted (and then the dream got weird as dreams often do. Aliens came to me on that beach while the volcano was erupting and they showed me some diagrams. But I digress

The point is, I've looked at picture after picture of volcanoes and none looked like the one in that first dream, until today. It is called Tristan Da Cunha.

I believe this might be the 'snow covered caldera' I saw It is in the same island grouping as Tristan and is called Bouvet.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Blow the Carbon out of Your Cyborg

Merriam-Webster defines Cyborg as a bionic human having normal biological capability or performance enhanced by or as if by electronic or electromechanical devices.

But what is the human body? It is both electro-chemical and electro-mechanical. Electrical impulses travel the network of nerves triggering mechanical responses. That is to say mechanics of movement. Chemical responses travel the circulatory highways as well as the nervous system.

Psychic abilities are controlled and invoked within and by this electro-bio-chemical network. Scientific evidence proves atmospheric variations in 'haunted' houses. Spikes or valleys in temperature are recorded as well as shifts in magnetic surroundings, high tech monitoring devices are used to capture shifts in the area around where a spiritual presence (or other being) is moving. But aside from that what influences can those shifts have on our physical body? A great deal, and if we pay attention we can audit them and determine over a period of time what those indicators are and the signals that our body is sending to us.

Lets look at it another way. You can actually take these same dynamics and look at them in the stress arena of a normal business day. There are many parallels in indicators and outcomes of the two situations. Think about the impact that the cause and effects of stress will have on the biophysical body.

At the precise moment that stress is elevated during a difficult business exchange or workday, our body’s natural response is to trigger an internal electro-chemical mechanism to assist us. Chemicals are released, such as hormones and endocrinatic fluids such as adrenaline. Adrenaline is a tool for our body to use in the fight or flight syndrome.

Now, take that adrenaline and introduce it during a workday and give it no outlet. What do you suppose the outcome would be? A car’s engine revving at high speeds, at a complete stand still is hard on the car. It’s difficult on the body as well. Long periods or exposure to this type of bio-chemical/physical neglect will manifest itself in many ways such as ulcers, back and neck pain and migraines.

It is said that water finds its own path, so will these chemicals that aren't utilized or burned off through exercise or other viable physical responses. The body sits in tense anticipation yet the mechanical side that is itching for the fight or flight is suppressed by the mental side; because it’s socially unacceptable to give it free reign. We can hardly launch into a sprint to ‘burn out the carbon’ in our body in the middle of the conference call, now can we?

I think we need a movement in this country to make primordial screams acceptable, if not standard practice during or after business meetings. Do you suppose we could get “the Don” to start the trend? Burn out the carbon in your Cyborg once in a while. Your heart, body and soul will thank you.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

What the heck was that?

Ok, so now my boss thinks I'm losing my mind. He already knows I'm psychic. I answered a few things before he asked me. For some reason, I'm really in tune with his thoughts or mindset. I can't tell you how often I go to stand at his desk with the answer to exactly what he was working on before he even asked me the question. Today, I turned in my chair and waved him to 'stop' what he was doing. I finished my call and walked over to tell him. I took care of it. He had been in the process of typing up a response. He sat there pointing at his screen.. "this?" and I said yes. I just knew it was what he was working on, yet I sit 30 feet from him and face a direction where my back is toward him.

But late this evening before I left we were reviewing somethings together. I felt a presence come upon us, this time I actually heard the person nearby, footsteps on the carpet walk up to us. I turned around because I had been facing my computer and asked him who just walked by. He looked at me as if I was nuts. sigh.

So this is my task tonight. I need to try to define these different sensations. There is
1. High pitch ringing in ears (one or both) I believe this is spiritual presence being near.
2. Low pitch tuning fork one ear normally and with or without a compression thump on the ear drum. I believe this might be earth trauma related, picking up earth vibrations that are building for an event.
3. A sudden feeling of being sluggish, like I just got a shot of morphine (which I believe is endorphins or endocrinic chemicals that are released when a presence is near.) All movement becomes slowed, and I feel it in my auditory canal, my ocular nerve, my cortex and one side of the body (most likely nearest to the entity) Concentration becomes difficult for a moment or two. Sometimes I get mental messages when this happens and it normally only lasts for a few moments before it passes. Since I get messages during this occassionally I believe this is also spiritual in nature, from Guides, and or lost loved ones. Some call it "vamping", that a spiritual presence drains your own energy source in order to achieve making thier presence known. They tap into your own energy.
4. False Earthquake: This is the feeling as if the floor is dropping below my feet and I physically grab whatever is near, desk, wall, etc. The three times this has happened, within 12 hrs there were events at Mt. St. Helens. Now perhaps that's merely a coincidence, but we're talking over a one year period. Pretty strange coincidence.

Ok..this was long..but there.. I think I listed them all. I think I'll open a dialogue with some of my friends and see if they have similar events/sensations. Would love to hear responses on these or your own sensations and what you think they are

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Lost in Space

I can't describe this one very well, so I'm going to do my best and let it rest. I was meditating and floating between awake and asleep. I saw it in very faint outlines and a bit hazy like sepiatone. I think it was the space station, I could only see a portion of the structure as it floated in space and it was spinning in a controlled rotation. Then something broke away, it was unexpected and disastrous, I knew it meant lack of control now and the thing was going to begin to deteriorate and fall. Just that quickly the vision was gone. I couldn't see if it did fall or what came after that part broke off.