Ok, so now my boss thinks I'm losing my mind. He already knows I'm psychic. I answered a few things before he asked me. For some reason, I'm really in tune with his thoughts or mindset. I can't tell you how often I go to stand at his desk with the answer to exactly what he was working on before he even asked me the question. Today, I turned in my chair and waved him to 'stop' what he was doing. I finished my call and walked over to tell him. I took care of it. He had been in the process of typing up a response. He sat there pointing at his screen.. "this?" and I said yes. I just knew it was what he was working on, yet I sit 30 feet from him and face a direction where my back is toward him.
But late this evening before I left we were reviewing somethings together. I felt a presence come upon us, this time I actually heard the person nearby, footsteps on the carpet walk up to us. I turned around because I had been facing my computer and asked him who just walked by. He looked at me as if I was nuts. sigh.
So this is my task tonight. I need to try to define these different sensations. There is
1. High pitch ringing in ears (one or both) I believe this is spiritual presence being near.
2. Low pitch tuning fork one ear normally and with or without a compression thump on the ear drum. I believe this might be earth trauma related, picking up earth vibrations that are building for an event.
3. A sudden feeling of being sluggish, like I just got a shot of morphine (which I believe is endorphins or endocrinic chemicals that are released when a presence is near.) All movement becomes slowed, and I feel it in my auditory canal, my ocular nerve, my cortex and one side of the body (most likely nearest to the entity) Concentration becomes difficult for a moment or two. Sometimes I get mental messages when this happens and it normally only lasts for a few moments before it passes. Since I get messages during this occassionally I believe this is also spiritual in nature, from Guides, and or lost loved ones. Some call it "vamping", that a spiritual presence drains your own energy source in order to achieve making thier presence known. They tap into your own energy.
4. False Earthquake: This is the feeling as if the floor is dropping below my feet and I physically grab whatever is near, desk, wall, etc. The three times this has happened, within 12 hrs there were events at Mt. St. Helens. Now perhaps that's merely a coincidence, but we're talking over a one year period. Pretty strange coincidence.
Ok..this was long..but there.. I think I listed them all. I think I'll open a dialogue with some of my friends and see if they have similar events/sensations. Would love to hear responses on these or your own sensations and what you think they are