Sleep, Blessed Sleep

I called to my Jaguar and asked him to spend the night close by me and keep all unwanted visitors from disturbing my peace. I then said my prayers and laid down to rest. I've had so much disturbances, I halfway expected a bit of it before finally falling asleep, but nothing came. I saw someone in a dark hooded cape in my higher vision and was about to open my eyes and sit up when the person leaned forward and I could see their face. It was my JAGUAR. Oh man I laughed outloud. I have no idea what the hooded cape means, but he's such a great looking cat. I spoke to him outloud and told him he's such a beautiful being and I fell soundly to sleep instantly. That's the last thing I remember. I woke up at 7:30 on the button.
What a glorious day. Thank you spirit guide, thank you ArchAngel Michael, and thank YOU Staphy.